
Free from Gender Violence

Over the recent months, Peace and Hope Bolivia (Paz Bolivia) has been working with the Guarani Indigenous community so that these communities can live free from gender violence. The Guarani are urban indigenous communities that have continued to practice their traditions and beliefs. Paz Bolivia is participating in an exchange…...

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Passionate to the Core

The International Fellowship of Paz y Esperanza (Peace and Hope) is a community of national leaders from each of the Peace and Hope offices in Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Brasil, El Salvador, the United Kingdom, France, and the United States. It exists for mutual support, sharing of experiences and…...

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Deaf Education in the Peruvian Amazon

Peace and Hope International is pleased to invite you to join us in a 50-minute virtual session on Tuesday, October 4, at 8:00pm, EDT, to learn about education for children in the deaf community of the Amazon region of Peru. Experts from San Martin, Peru will share testimonies and explain…...

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USIP Religion & Psychosocial Support

Recently, the United States Institute of Peace highlighted the peacebuilding work carried out by the Peace and Hope team in Colombia. In the Uraba Antioqueño region, Peace and Hope focuses its efforts in supporting displaced communities, especially women who are family heads, in dealing with their emotional trauma as survivors…...

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Participant to Volunteer

Alina Valverde was only 15 years only when she learned about Peace and Hope (Paz y Esperanza).  Living in a low-income community in Guayaquil, Ecuador, she told us, “Paz y Esperanza came to my school to give some workshops about intrafamilial violence, which was interesting to me as I wanted…...

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Restoration on The Farm

“When we take care of creation, the natural world, people discover God. When we destroy the earth, we actually destroy a channel through which people can know God,” Tamara commented this past week during the Peace and Hope team’s weekly devotionals in Tomaykichwa, Peru. What a powerful thought, brought on…...

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Change for our Youth

Peace and Hope Ecuador is hosting a panel on the rights of children this week.  What makes this panel discussion so special is that it is not only for kids, it is also by kids!  With four students as panelists and two as moderators, the audience in Guayaquil can hear…...

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Hope in Advent

Today we enter into this season of Advent, waiting for the coming King with great hope and anticipation, and we took a moment to sit down with two members of the Peace and Hope (Paz y Esperanza) team in Bolivia to learn about their work this past year and what…...

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Matching Gift Challenge!

Give the first week of December and your money can go twice as far:  As millions of Americans prepare to celebrate the holiday of Thanksgiving, Peace and Hope International is seeking to channel some of the abundance towards those who are suffering in the wake of the pandemic. Many make…...

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Intervene and Prevent

In face of the pandemic, the Peace and Hope office in Huánuco, Peru has had to be creative and flexible for how to accomplish our work there, which is primarily focused on the rights of children and adolescents to be free from sexual violence. As efforts to curb the spread…...

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